The BIM Game is a collaborative role play and, as such, it requires a scenario through which learners will work. A BIM Game scenario will therefore include:
- A problem from a real case Educational objectives targeted by the trainer
- The distribution of roles
- A welcome letter corresponding to each role
- All the resources and software needed to solve the problem
- A BPMN diagram
As the project is built according to an agile method, the content of a scenario has evolved since the first tests. In this article, it is the scenario of the Lycée du Bois de Mouchard, tested in February 2018, which will be proposed.

The welcome letter
The first document the learner will consult is a welcome letter explaining in a more or less developed way the context in which the session begins. In general, this letter is adapted to each of the roles held.
As an example, here are three welcome letters designed for the same scenario:
Architect, role and scenario:
Dear Learner,
In this scenario, you are an architect. The wood construction company noticed a problem between a window and a corner joint. The construction manager asked his team to find solutions. So you’ll be requested by the company to choose the most appropriate solution compare to your project specifications.
Therefore, your job consists to decide which solution fits bests. That decision will allow the wood construction company to move forward ie production step.
In order to achieve your task, you can use your resources.
Thermal engineer, role and scenario:
Dear Learner,
In this scenario, you are a thermal engineer. You will be requested by a design drafter to check if the modification has no consequences on the building thermal impact.
Therefore, your job consists to help him by providing an new thermal IFC file.
In order to achieve your task, you can use your resources.
Design drafter, role and scenario :
Dear Learner,
In this scenario, you are a design drafter of a wood construction company. Your colleague will ask you to work on a project in order to fix a problem
Your job consists to help him by providing a solution. The later will be presented to the architect.
In order to achieve your task, you should request the other stakeholders of the project. Indeed, any modification can have an impact on the whole project. So do not forget to consult them.
Resources and software:
The trainers must then propose a set of resources and software adapted to each role. Since learners are not necessarily familiar with the role they play, resources must be understandable to a non-specialist. For example, a thermist should have sufficient information to assume the role of an economist or a structural engineer.
The following document lists the resources and software available to each role.
W1_ressources and software table
These resources will soon be accessible by setting up a guided tour space and then testing the platform.
A BPMN diagram :
The heart of a formation by the BIM Game remains the optimization of the exchange of information. Before a session, the trainer must prepare an optimized solution to solve the problem raised by the scenario. In agreement with all the experimenters of the project, this document took the form of a BPMN diagram.
In this type of document, roles are represented by corridors one above the other. The actions performed are represented in these different corridors from left to right along a timeline. An example can be viewed in the following link :
The trainer will be able to compare the exchange made between the learners with the BPMN diagram initially designed to assess the relevance of the communication between the different trades.
These documents are of course only an example of media to prepare to organize a session. The diversity of the scenarios does not allow to be exhaustive. Recently, two scenarios tested at the University of Wuppertal involved Duplo bricks referenced by RFID chips. The work allowed to go until the delivery of the material and the actual construction of the model. This test therefore required a set of resources specific to this methodology.
Scenarios will be made available on the platform within a few months to allow the opportunity to test the BIM Game. When the tool is finalized, a trainer can invent his own scenario and integrate it on the platform to make it play to his learners.