The second meeting of the BIM Game project took place at the National School of Architecture in Lyon.
In the program, a discussion about the type of digital model to use in a BIM Game scenario. The diversity of 3D building software poses problems of interoperability. Indeed, every trade has specific numerical habits. The initial format of the model is therefore very important for each software to support it.
Anne BERRUYER – Kinesiologist
The team was able to follow a particularly interesting intervention. Anne Berruyer, guest of the team, presented the progress of work on emotional intelligence and the possibilities of this tool to evaluate collaboration. Emotional intelligence is at the crossroads of emotions and cognitions. She is very involved in the areas of management, leadership and human resources management. Thus, this type of intelligence will be fully implemented in the BIM Game.
The possibilities of work are vast for the BIM Game. Collaboration is an aspect that is too much left behind. This meeting at the National School of Architecture of Lyon will have opened a little more the field of possibilities to the project.