A crash test for the April scenario in Brussels The BIM Game project is in its last straight line.
Of the four events that must end the adventure, Brussels will mark the second stage. It will be Charlotte Dautremont, from the University of Liège, who will develop the BIM Game scenario for this stress test.
What’s more natural, for this recent recruit, to perform a crash-test of his scenario before the D-day .
A BIM Game scenario must anticipate the work processes in which the teams will commit themselves to anticipate their resource needs. A crash test tests the scenario to verify that it is complete and functional. This is all the more imperative as the future scenario will include new features. First, the international teams will work in several places. A team will work on the scene of the scenario, at the Lycée Intégral Roger Lallemand (LIRL) of Saint Gilles. While another team, responsible for determining the resources and digitizing them, will work in the ROTOR association’s depot. Collaboration and optimization of the data exchanged will therefore be essential to reach the end of the scenario in the allotted time. Then, the specificity of this scenario will revolve around the reuse of materials. The ROTOR association stores materials from deconstruction. Thus, it is impossible to determine in advance what will be available on the day of the event. It will be for the students to be agile and creative!
An informative day
The experimenters of the day were able to trace a certain amount of information that will be useful for optimizing the scenario. Coming from the Lycée du bois de Mouchard and the University of Liège, the test team was entirely French-speaking. Language was not a barrier to exchange! The meeting was very constructive and everyone was able to bring their ideas and feelings to refine the scenario.
One thing is sure, a long preparatory work has allowed to build this atypical stress test in its configuration and its stakes.
The following April 24 and 25!