GIP FTLV (Lifelong Learning Public Interest Group) of the Besançon Academy aims to develop a concerted cooperation at the level of the Academy in the fields of adult continuing education, training and professional integration. It constitutes the public continuing education network of the National Education of Franche-Comté. It was created on September 11, 2003 and has a director, 6 Continuing Education Advisors for part of their service, 6 task managers (training, communication, IT …) and 4 administrative staff. The GIP FTLV is part of the GIP network of the different French academies: the GRETA (Group of EtAblissements) of the academy are members of the GIP. It also carries the Academic Apprenticeship Training Center (CFA), which has 850 apprentices preparing level III V diplomas.
In terms of adult continuing education, GIP FTLV contributes to regional public vocational training by coordinating responses to public or private tenders. It develops a training engineering in very diverse professional fields, implements a training and professionalization plan for the actors of the continuous training. It develops the distance learning offer. In terms of apprenticeship training, GIP FTLV runs 31 high schools that have developed apprenticeship training units. As part of pooled activities, GIP carries out monitoring, animation and research and development activities in all areas of professional training and provides services to National Education institutions. He has conducted training engineering activities or coordination of devices within the framework of the ESF axes. The resource persons involved in this project have the following skills: project management, BIM (Building Information Modeling) expertise and construction economics, training and training engineering.