What is BIMGAME?
An Erasmus project "strategic partnerships" led by the GIP FTLV of the Besançon AcademyLAST NEWS
Grand final for the BIM Game in Besançon
The last session of the BIM Game took place on June 25th and 26th in Besançon under a radiant sun! The final event BIM Game took place for two days at the foot of the Citadel of Besançon. On the first day, German, Belgian, Spanish and Italian students participated in...
Final sprint for the BIM Game in Besançon !
After 3 years of work across Europe, the Erasmus + BIM Game project will be bowing out on 25 and 26 June 2019 in Besançon. In the program : - an international competition BIM Game with students but also professionals - lectures on BIM and the circular economy -...
EUBIM and BIM Game : towards a common dynamic
The entire BIM GAME team met at the University Politècnica de València from 22 to 25 May 2019 to participate in the organization of the 8th International Congress EUBIM. This congress aims to promote a better understanding of the state of implementation of the BIM...
BIM Game event in Brussels !
A session rich in exchanges:The Belgian team hosted the second major BIM Game event in Brussels. After the first event organized by the German team from Oldenburg, the BIM Game was set up in Brussels. For the occasion, the ToB3 project had joined the BIM Game around a...
Sustainable development and BIM Game in Brussels
For its second major event, the BIM Game joined the ToB3 project around the theme of sustainable development. The Architect / Researcher Charlotte Dautremont and Prof. Sylvie Jancart from ULiège organized these two days in association with the ROTOR association....
Crash test in Brussels: the LIRL and ROTOR as a playground!
A crash test for the April scenario in Brussels The BIM Game project is in its last straight line. Of the four events that must end the adventure, Brussels will mark the second stage. It will be Charlotte Dautremont, from the University of Liège, who will develop the...
Practical and reusable resources
#1 - Project Folder DatabaseDownload #2 - Sumary sheets Download #3 - Educational scenario Download #4 - Evaluation Grids Download #5 - Documents for trainers Download #6 - BIM GAME Competitions Download #7 - Evaluation Reports Download #8 - Digital Tools - LMS Model Download Files for Scenario-01 Download Files for Scenario-02 Download Files for Scenario-03 Download Files for Scenario-04 Download Files for Scenario-05 Download Files for Scenario-06 Download Files for Scenario-07 Download Files for Scenario-08 Download Files for Scenario-09 Download Files for Scenario-10 Download BIM_GAME_Teaser.mp4 DownloadBim Game: Playing to Build the 21st Century
At a time when architectural projects are increasingly being considered internationally, the exchange of information between the various building stakeholders is becoming a major issue. To facilitate this exchange, the B.I.M. Building Information Modeling has been developed in recent years, particularly through the use of a digital mockup enriched with data.
As all these actors are called to work together, it makes sense to train them together, and offer them a tool, the BIM GAME, where they will be able to test processes in common and negotiate at best the BIM shift. Target audiences in training correspond to the future actors of a construction project: architect, design engineer, construction economist, surveyor, operator, etc.
This problem is European and each country has the same question about the best method to adopt to spread this new culture and especially to integrate it into professional practices. This project, funded by Erasmus + and supported by GIP Besançon, is based on numerous follow-ups of projects carried out in the partner countries. This pooling makes it possible to work not only on national scenarios, in relation to local regulations, but also on simulations of international architectural projects, which correspond today to the reality on the ground.

An Erasmus project “strategic partnerships” led by the GIP FTLV of the Besançon Academy
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